Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Visualisation Project: Presentation Breakdown

Breakdown of our Presentation:

Overall questions:
  1. What is the invisible event/entity/pattern we are going to make visible? (Q2)
  2. To what extent does it pre-exist our making it visible? To what extend are we 'creating' it via making it visible? Or both? (Q3)
  3. What different does it make to publish such a visualisation? (Q4)
  4. In which publics does such a visualisation intervene? (Q4)

Presentation tasks:

1. research the nature of contemporary visualisation (Task 1 - Delia)
2. main task: make something invisible visible
   (a) choose and research some data of interest (Task 2 - Emma)
   (b) research and then choose techniques of visualisation (Task 3 - Charlotte)
3. produce visualisation (Task 3 - Charlotte)
   (a) 'explain' the phenomenon that we have researched (Task 4 - Emma)
   (b) demonstrate understanding of the relationship between visualisation and information (Task - Delia)
4. Understand the way this visualisation, published, would make a difference to both publishing itself (difference between publishing a visualisation and, for example, some written commentary by a journalist), and to the publics to which the visualisation is addressed to. (Task - Jess)
5. Discuss the issues involved, and evaluate the strengths and limits of the work we've done (Task - Jess)

Powerpoint compiling everything together: (Task 8 - Delia)
   - 10 slides
   - 5mins

Criteria for this Assessment Task 
  1. Demonstrated understanding of the processes and impacts (upon both publishing and publics) of visualisation.
  2. Specific research of both a data set and a/some visualisation technique(s)
  3. Creative use of the technique in relation to the data set.
  4. Ability to discuss the issues involved, and evaluate the strengths and limits of the work the group has done.
  5. Ability to respond creatively and imaginatively, as a group, to another group’s work. Your group give a constructive and detailed response (that is, not “we liked it, thought it was interesting, enjoyed it”, ‘it was fresh/lame” “we didn’t like it, etc” )

Visualisation of Online Shoppint Population and Demographics Data Information:

Powerpoint Slides:

Title Page

1. The Nature of Contemporary Visualisation

2. Data and Statistics

3. Researched Techniques of Visualisation

4. Our Visualisation

5. To What Extent Does It Already Exist?

6. Explanation of Chosen Phenomenon

7. The Relationship Between Visualisation and Information

8. How Would Our Visualisation Make A Difference To Publishing?

9. How Would Our Visualisation Make A Difference To Publishing?

10. Our Strengths and Limits

Critical Feedback for Group 4 - Music and Emotions:

Criteria for this Assessment Task  - music and emotion
1.   Demonstrated understanding of the processes and impacts of visualisation (publics and publishing)
oNeeded more focus further than the three mentioned
o   Could have focused more on how this research could affect audience in the public sphere, and the subsequent composers who publish this music
o   Also what difference it makes publishing this data
o   But the topic was really creative
o   Successfully made the invisible visible

2.   Specific research of both a data set and some visualisation technique
·      Colours, emotions, weather – specific research used
·      Researched data, a sufficient amount of people for this project – they could have done more, but they mentioned this in their limitations

3.   Creative use of the technique in relation to the data set.
·      The use of colour is interesting to relate to these categories – perhaps would’ve been better if the pictures were coded to the colour when observing the visualisation
·      Could have been more creative
·      Emoticon faces they didn’t use, which would have been good
·      Too many variables

4.   Ability to discuss the issues involved, and evaluate the strengths and limits of the work the group has done.
·      Did have an understanding of their strengths and limitations, especially limitations in reference to accuracy of their data
·      Recreate the emotional experience
·      Limitations: very subjective, different people feel different things

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